Monday, January 12, 2009

Maintaining Certainty in Uncertain Times

Unemployment - 7.2% and expected to rise. Ouch!

As concern about the recession and unemployment continues to mount there is a lot of uncertainty in the U.S. economy. As a result, employees across America are uncertain about their future and stability. Rightly so. But that's not the end of the story... The recession is, in many ways, a myth for most people. But it is up to you to make it a myth.

Some keys to overcoming uncertainty:
  1. Define Success - It's easier to define success in buoyant times when all is well. When faced with challenging times it is even more important to define success. You may need to recalculate what is achievable in the short term. You may not get that raise you wanted but if you power though a tough time you could end up earning more than you originally expected. Define what success is during a tough time so that you can achieve it and move on to the next level when the challenging period is over
  2. Create Your Own Certainty - Begin each day with the certainty. Know that you have what it takes and are willing to do what it takes to succeed. These are two qualities that will help you during boom or bust times. Certainty helps keep moving forward - not sideways or back.
  3. Focus is Power! - focus your energy on the positive and on results. You may end up in a situation which requires extra work for the same pay (or even less!). Focus on getting those results and when you make it through the storm you will be rewarded. Organizations in lean times focus much more on results, optimization and effectiveness. Those who deliver results are more likely to reap the reward of greater certainty in the short term and growth in the long term.
  4. Mental Toughness - We've all been through tough times or experienced loss. When confronted with a difficult situation only the toughest survive. Don't let the daily grind get you down or lead you astray. Practice this daily.
  5. Contingency Plan - If the worst does happen will you be prepared? Are you ready with a Plan B at a moment's notice or will you have to start from scratch when disaster strikes?

Getting your mindset in the right place and planning for your future are even more important in uncertain times. Take time to master your mental state and game plan your way through this recession.


  1. Review the goals you have created for the next 90 days, six months and one year. Carefully prioritize those goals which will give you the most certainty and provide the greatest strength in the face of uncertainty. As an example, review your financial goals first and be sure that you have an achievable goal of creating some financial security.
  2. First thing each day take an action which will put you in a great mood and provide certainty. One of the things I do, which is super simple, is update my Facebook and/or Twitter status with a strong message about how I'm going to conduct my day. Try this or simply write down a powerful "status" for yourself in a journal. You'd be surprised what a difference this can make. And if you use social media tools you might also get some great comments back pushing you further along!
  3. Build mental muscle. Listen to empowering music on the way to work or before you begin your job search for the day. Or better yet, listen to a powerful professional or personal development CD or podcast
  4. If you don't yet have a written contingency plan get one down on paper - now! If you already have one - great! Make sure it is still up to date
  5. Consider securing a coach or mentor to help you plan and guide you through these tough times. If you have one - great! Have him or her review you 90 day plan and provide "certainty" feedback.
  6. Need coaching, feedback or just want to share? Contact us! See top right hand side of page for contact information or leave a comment to this post below.

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